© 2021 Michael A. Siniscalchi

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                                       Messier 3
                              Globular Cluster in Canes Venatici
        RA:13h 41m 37s  Dec: +28° 24' 01" Distance - 32000 ly  Size - 90 ly

Click on image for larger size
Location & Date
Backyard, Abbott Observatory- Long Island, NY,  March 2021
Orion ED80 F/7 ED, Moonlite focuser, Losmandy G11 Gemini
Image scale 2.54 arcsec/pixel
Baader L R G B filters
CCD temp -20°C
Lum-24x10m &  24x5m  Red-12x5m   Green-12x5m Blue-12x5m Bin 1x1
Planning & Acquisition
Image planning - Sequence Generator Pro
Image acquisition - Sequence Generator Pro w/PinPoint & PHD2 (guiding)
CCDStack - calibration, align, normalize, combine, deconvolution, RGB color combine
Adobe Photoshop - L+RGB Color processing, Noise reduction, JPEG conversion
Topaz AI - selective sharpening

   Messier 3 (M3 or NGC 5272) is a globular cluster of stars in the northern constellation of Canes Venatici. It was discovered on May 3, 1764, and was the first Messier object to be discovered by Charles Messier himself.
Messier originally mistook the object for a nebula without stars. This mistake was corrected after the stars were resolved by William Herschel around 1784.This cluster is one of the largest and brightest, and is made up of around 500,000 stars. 
It is estimated to be 11.4 billion years old. It is centered at 32,615.64 light-years (10 kpc) away from Earth.
Messier 3 is quite isolated as is 31.6 kly (9.7 kpc) above the Galactic plane and roughly 38.8 kly (11.9 kpc) from the center of the Milky Way. It contains 274 known variable stars, by far the most found in any globular cluster.